
Типы публикаций: AllPatentsArticles
  • 2012
    • Alekseev A. N., Petrov S. I., Nevolin V. K., Tsarik K. A., Krasovitskii D. M., Chalyi V. P. MBE-grown nanoheterostructures with increased electron mobility // Russian Microelectronics, 2012, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 400–404.
    • Неволин В.К. Атом водорода: что нового? // Наноинженерия. - 2012. - №12(18). - С. 44-46.
    • I. I. Bobrinetskiy, A. S. Seleznev, R. A. Morozov, O. A. Lopatina, R. Y. Podchernyaeva and I. A. Suetina, "Investigation of the Effect of Local Electrical Stimulation on Cells Cultured on Conductive Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Albumin Films," Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2012, pp. 377-384. doi: 10.4236/jbnb.2012.33036.
    • I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, and A. V. Romashkin, Quasi One Dimensional Molecular Transistors Based on Polyaniline and Carbon Nanotubes as Electrodes // Semiconductors, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 1593-1597.
    • I. I. Bobrinetskii, R. A. Morozov, A. S. Seleznev, R. Ya. Podchernyaeva, O. A. Lopatina. Proliferative Activity and Viability of Fibroblast and Glioblastoma Cell on Various Types of Carbon Nanotubes //Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. - 2012. - Vol. 153, Iss. 2, P. 259-262.
    • A. V. Bessonova, V. K. Nevolin, A. V. Romashkin, and K. A. Tsarik, Systematic Features of the Formation of Semiconductor Nanostructures using a Focused Ion Beam // Semiconductors, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 1604-1607.
  • 2011
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Morozov R. A., Podgaetskiy V. M., Simunin M. M., Yaminskiy I. V. A Study of Bulky Nanotube Composites Based on Albumin by High_Resolution Microscopy // Biophysics 2011, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 194–199.
    • Chaplygin Yu.A., Nevolin V.K., Petukhov V.A. ANODE-COOLING EFFECT UNDER THE ACTION OF COLD EMISSION FROM THE CATHODE // Doklady Physics. 2011. Т. 56. № 1. С. 1-3.
    • Nevolin V. K., Fazylov F. R. On the adhesion theory of solids in terms of the dielectric formalism // Physics of the Solid State, 2011, Volume 53, Number 3, Pages 634-637
    • А.Н. Алексеев, С.И. Петров, В.К. Неволин, К.А. Царик, Д.М. Красовицкий, В.П. Чалый Наногетероструктуры на основе нитридов с повышенной подвижностью электронов, полученные методом МЛЭ // Известия вузов. ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА. - 2011. - №5. – С. 69-74.
  • 2010
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Gorshkov K.V., Nevolin V.K., Tsarik K. A.. Formation of Integrated Nanosized Graphene Structures by Focused Ion_Beam Etching. // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2010, Volume 5, Numbers 5-6. P. 313-319.
    • Nevolin V.K., Tsarik K.A. Formation and Atomic Force Spectroscopy of AlGaN/GaN Nanoheterostructures // Semiconductors. - 2010. - V. 44.- N. 13. - P. 1694–1698.
    • Gromov D.V., Elesin V.V., Petrov G.V., Borinetskiy I.I., Nevolin V.K. Radiation Effects in Nanoelectronic Elements Semiconductors, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 13, pp. 1699–1702.
  • 2009
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I. Methods of parallel integration of carbon nanotubes during the formation of functional devices for microelectronics and sensor technologies // Russian Microelectronics, 2009, Volume 38, Number 5.
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Kolerov A. N., Nevolin V. K. Intracavity laser spectroscopy for the identification of nanomedia // Technical Physics Letters, 2009, Volume 35, Number 9. P. 800-803.
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I. Electrophoresis in the tasks of purifying, separating, and integrating carbon nanotubes // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2009, Volume 4, Numbers 1-2.
  • 2008
    • Бараш С.В., Лосев В.В., Царик К.А. Формирование нанометровых слоев фокусированным ионным пучком // Известия вузов. ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА. - 2008. - №3. - С. 63-67
    • Ageeva S. A., Bobrinetskiy I. I, Nevolin V. K, Podgaetskiy V. M, Selishchev S. V., Simunin M. M, Konov V. I. Savranskii Nanotube-based three-dimensional albumin composite obtained using continuous laser radiation // Semiconductors, 2009, Volume 43, Number 13.
    • Kukushkin S.A.,Osipov A.V.,Bessolov V.N.,Medvedev B.K.,Nevolin V.K., Tsarik K.A. Substrates for epitaxy of gallium nitride: new materialsa and techniques // Reviews on Advanced Materials Science». - 2008. –V.17. - P.1-32
    • Podgaetskiy V. M., Selishchev S. V., Bobrinetskiy I. I., Nevolin V. K.Volumetric nanodesign by new laser method. Application for medical purposes // Optical Memory & Neural Networks, 2008, Volume 17, Number 2.
  • 2007
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Nevolin V. K., Simunin M. M. Production of carbon nanotubes by catalytic gas-phase pyrolysis of ethanol // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2007, Volume 41, Number 5.
    • Chaplygin Y. A., Nevolin V. K., Khartov S. V. Ballistic molecular conductors in an epoxy matrix // Doklady Physics, 2007, Volume 52, Number 2.
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Kukin V. N., Nevolin V. K., Simunin M. M. Carbon nanomaterial studied by atomic-force and electron microscopies // Semiconductors, 2008,Volume 42, Number 13.
  • 2006
    • Nevolin V. K. Thermal effect on anode during field electron emission from cathode // Technical Physics Letters, 2006, Volume 32, Number 12.
  • 2005
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Nevolin V. K., Khartov S. V., Chaplygin Y. A. // Field-modulated conductivity in quasi-one-dimensional molecular conductors // Technical Physics Letters, 2005, Volume 31, Number 10.
  • 2004
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Nevolin V. K., Stroganov A. A., Chaplygin Y. A. Controlling Electrical Transport through Bundles of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes // Russian Microelectronics, 2004, Volume 33, Number 5.
  • 2003
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Nevolin V. K., Petrik V. I., Stroganov A. A., Chaplygin Y. A. The atomic structure of nanotubes synthesized from a carbon mix of high reaction ability // Technical Physics Letters, 2003, Volume 29, Number 4.
    • Bobrinetskiy I. I., Nevolin V. K., Petrik V. I., Chaplygin Y. A. Current–Voltage Characteristics of Two-Electrode Elements with Carbon Nanotubes // Russian Microelectronics, 2003, Volume 32, Number 2.
  • 2000
    • Galiev G. B., Kaminskiy V. E., Mokerov V. G., Nevolin V. K., Saraikin V. V., Slepnev Y. V. Investigation of distribution and redistribution of silicon in thin doped gallium-arsenide layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on substrates with (100), (111)Ga, and (111)As orientations // Semiconductors, 2000, Volume 34, Number 7.
  • 1998
    • Nevolin V. K. Negative differential conductance of quasi-one-dimensional contacts // Technical Physics Letters,1998, Volume 24, Number 6.
  • 1985
    • Nevolin V. K.,Osadkin V. A., Shermergor T. D. Electron work function and electronic affinity of intrinsic semiconductors // Russian Physics Journal, 1985, Volume 28, Number 12.
  • 1982
    • Nevolin V. K. Electron affinity for intrinsic semiconductors // Russian Physics Journal, 1982, Volume 25, Number 9.